Good Morning Di,
(we are with Di this week and next while Grant takes a well deserved break)
This week Prime Minister Julia Gillard hinted that some of Murdoch’s Australian media outlets could face inquiries because of the fall out from what is going in the Murdoch media group in the UK.
Now we don’t really know whether or not the same sorts of gutter journalism tactics have gone on in Australia or not, but without any direct reason to do so the government is hinting at an investigation.
Well for all intents and purposes, neither thePM nor the ALP are in any way concerned about the sources of information or media tactics or behaviour.
(we are with Di this week and next while Grant takes a well deserved break)
This week Prime Minister Julia Gillard hinted that some of Murdoch’s Australian media outlets could face inquiries because of the fall out from what is going in the Murdoch media group in the UK.
Now we don’t really know whether or not the same sorts of gutter journalism tactics have gone on in Australia or not, but without any direct reason to do so the government is hinting at an investigation.
Well for all intents and purposes, neither thePM nor the ALP are in any way concerned about the sources of information or media tactics or behaviour.
Those are issues confined to the UK.
Here in Australia they are more concerned about whether government policies and actions are being closely scrutinised and criticised and exposed to the public.
Their main concern is the policies they are implementing breaking an election promise not to implement them.
Now the glass jawed Government has gone down this path trying to bully the media with the threat of political trouble:
Does anyone really think that this just isn’t an old fashioned bully’s threat to try and get the media to back off?
...Turn It Up
I’m Michael Robinson
National Press Club home page
National Press Club Climate Debate, Climate Change, The Sky is or is not falling.
below is an extractfrom The National Press Club's summary of who the two speakers were at yesterday's press club debate on climate change.
I do find it interesting that no Australian stood up to be the against carbon tax side, but well done to Lord Monkton for a very well articulated and entertaining approach.
The Climate Change Debate
Richard Denniss V's Lord Christopher Monckton
July 19, 2011

Richard has published extensively in academic journals, is a frequent contributor to national newspapers and was the co-author of the best selling Affluenza (with Dr Clive Hamilton) and is the co-author of An Introduction to Australian Public Policy: Theory and Practice (with Dr Sarah Maddison).

Monckton is a widely recognized commmentator on climate sensitivity. His climate change lecture to Cambridge University undergraduates was later turned into a full-length feature film (funded by SPPI) titled Apocalypse? NO!. Recently, Monckton has devoted his work toward challenging the so-called “consensus” of scientists on climate change. Along with giving lectures and writing scholarly analyses, Monckton has testified before a subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives.
This debate has been extensively covered in the world's media here are just some links for those looking, for your convenience.
more at
UNDERSTANDING BAR-STOOL ECONOMICS AND THE CARBON TAX***********************************************************
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